Climate chaos
A collaboration between Falkirk High students and Produced Moon

The video
Climate Chaos is an original, creative, intellectual 360 music video about the climate crisis, which presents a battle between two sides: the climate heroes and the climate villains. It’s a battle where there is still everything to play for. Climate Chaos explores theme of climate change, ideas of care and neglect, chaos and order, connection and fragmentation, and tuning in and tuning out. We want the film to encourage people to take action. small changes make a big difference. it’s up to you.

The Makers
Climate Chaos was imagined, written and created by a mixed group of S2 and S3 students from Falkirk High School: Cara, Chloe, Claudia, Emily, Emma, Jack, Lewis and Liam. They had really good fun creating the film, which captured the rainbow for them, and gave them space to get to know each other and 360, which they liked. They were involved in the project because it was something different, it sounded interesting and because of the topic - they care about the environment and wanted to make 360 films. They enjoyed doing what they wanted and brought fresh and original ideas to the creative process.

The process
The film was made in collaboration with Mel & Leo from Produced Moon, Aniela from Camelon Arts and Mr Reekie from Falkirk High School, with sound support provided by Lewis Cook. We started the project by watching 360 films together and then we explored creating our own 360 videos, which we didn’t expect to look quite so realistic! We worked together to share and develop ideas and each idea , from each different person, makes up a different part of the film. We discussed the climate, thinking about Falkirk and our local environment, focussing on forests and biodiversity, which was the inspiration for Climate Chaos. We always had snacks and games and the project allowed us to be original and ourselves and work creatively, entertainingly and enthusiastically together.