In April and May 2020 Camelon Arts launched a creative activity every Monday for Camelon and Tamfourhill residents to do together while apart. We sent out 200 Make It Monday packs with all the materials needed for each month’s four activities. The activities were launched each Monday on our social media and this page.
week one: camElon wIndow galleRy challenge
Children all over the world are decorating their windows to say hello to the outside world 🌈!
What would you like your neighbours and other passerbys to see? Add some colour and creativity to your street and change up your own view of the town!
Week One’s pack contains lots of different types of see-through materials for you to cut out and collage. Can’t think of what to do with them? Cut out sheets and pens to design your own stain glass symbols! Write a back to front message to your neighbours in tape! Make a glittering stained glass window by cutting out shapes from the translucent sheets! Please be sure to send us pictures of what you make! 📸
How do you get a tissue to dance? Put a little boogie in it!
We will be getting our feet moving with a special local guest who will be teaching us a fun dance for you to practice around your house! For Week Two you don’t need any materials and everyone of all ages is welcome to join in, although this tutorial may be a little advanced for younger children.
Learn the dance and then put on your dancing shoes (or stick on your slippers) and join us for a zoom boogie on Friday 24th April at 4:30pm! 🕺🏽 💻
In Week Three you will learn how to marble paper and create a cosmic postcard from another planet!
For this week you’ll need the 2 test tubes of liquid watercolour, a dropper, card and postcard from the Week Three pack. You will also need some shaving foam, a shallow tray, a pair of scissors, some water and a stick (chopstick, skewer, twig from outside - whatever you can find!). Ready? Great! Let’s get going with a the video tutorial above! 💫
P.S. You can still marble paper at home even if you didn’t get a pack this month - just use food colouring instead of liquid water colour!
While we wait for Mariner’s Day 2021, why not crown yourself as a King or Queen of Quarantine? We have three royal challenges with prizes (we will send them out to you in the post)! 👑Our categories are:
1. Most Regal - Are you next in line for the throne? We are looking for jewelled crowns and sparkly gowns! Create a unique outfit and give us your most royal POSE (seated, standing or dancing)!. Maybe with a royal pet (a corgi, a cat or a hamster)? Check out these royal portraits from the past for inspiration! 💎 ✨
2. Jester In The Court - We have given you some materials, but this is a challenge to find the best use of an object from your house! We are looking for the funniest and most BIZARRE use of objects found in the home in your costume! Any spare doilies that could be used to create a ruff? Don’t have a royal scepter to rule with? How about your parents ROYAL MOP wrapped in silver foil? 🛡⚜️
3. Minecrafty - We challenge you to create a hat or mask out of the cardboard box the package was sent to you in! If you have thrown out the box then find some more cardboard and create part of your costume in the style of minecrafts cubes!
This week our activity is to Make a Monster using the materials and worksheets in our Week Five Pack! How many eyes will yours have 👀? Will your monster be a combination of animals that already exist 🐍🦑🕷? Does it have claws, wings, tusks, spikes, scales or a tail? What is its personality like? Scary? Grumpy? Friendly? Cute? We have also uploaded the worksheets for this week below so that those who didn’t receive a pack can still make-along if they fancy! ✨
This week is all about YOU! You have been so good at Make It Mondays that we have two tasks for you this week. 🥁
Task A: You are the main character and your first task is to make your own book to star in. See Sheet A for the instructions to make ‘The Little Book of Me’ (the blue sheet in this week’s pack). You will then have your own little book with a portrait poster inside!
Task B: Sculptures have been made for thousands of years, recording what happens to people and how they feel. Artists can use materials like wood, stone, clay and even things like ice, plastic and things found in bins to make sculptures. You are going to be making some sculptures out of salt dough today. They will be about everyone’s favourite subject - you guessed it - YOU! Follow the salt dough recipe and use the prompts on Sheet B for this! ⚒🗯
You can download the worksheets for this week below - ‘The Little Book of Me’ is a double sided A4 template that goes with the instructions on Sheet A.
This week we will learn how to weave with rubbish! 🖼 Use the materials provided to get you started (adults will need to help with setting up the weaving board!) and then recycle scraps of coloured material (fabric, plastic, paper…) to design your own eco-friendly weaving. ✨
If you have your own weaving board or chose to make your own out of cardboard you can click below to see our “How To”!