The Big Screen was a project produced as part of the Camelon Winter Festival Weekend. It was a travelling LED video screen van that toured the streets of Camelon and Tamfourhill over 12th and 13th of December 2020, featuring the big voice of local singer Dionne Hickey, community contributions from local groups (The Moving Message Board), and three inspiring videos made as part of Camelon’s Got Talent. The screen drove slowly round each area and was accompanied by volunteer stewards to control the route and prevent crowds from forming.
Photos: Jassy Earl
Camelon Arts worked closely with Our Place Camelon and Tamfourhill’s Community Safety Engager John Hosie and Community Coach Dan Rous to create a strategy that allowed us to deliver The Big Screen within COVID-19 safety guidelines. As part of this project 100 project packs were delivered to people’s doors (which included healthy screening snacks and a creative challenge). 2000 The Big Screen programmes were distributed to people’s homes and the video content was hosted online for at-home viewing. We also installed a series of posters throughout the town, showcasing stills from the Camelon’s Got Talent films.
Local talent, singer and song writer Dionne Hickey hosted The Big Screen and kicked off the Camelon Winter Festival Weekend with a song!
Filmed and edited by Beth Chalmers.
Winter 2020 was pretty different for all of us, but we found a way to spread messages of festive joy while staying safe – through The Moving Message Board! Thank you to everyone in Camelon and Tamfourhill who sent in a cheerful contribution!
The Big Screen featured 3 videos made as part of Camelon Art’s ongoing project Camelon’s Got Talent. Over Winter 2020 we worked with two talented residents and a local group who were partnered with professional creatives to grow their skills and create new work for The Big Screen.
Singing Helps Me Breathe is a song written by Freedom of Mind Community Choir during lockdown over Zoom, phone and email. Choir members wrote the lyrics, and the music was written by songwriter Kim Edgar, who co-leads with the choir with Mariot Dallas. The choir have been working with filmmaker Jassy Earl to record individual members singing (at a social distance) in their favourite outdoor spaces, so we can hear their voices together even while they must sing apart.
A Fanfare of Giants is a new video artwork made by local resident and never-stopping creative powerhouse Brian ‘Fred Worm’ MacGregor in collaboration with artist Geraldine Heaney. The work is inspired by the local area and Brian’s incredible visual style, music and poetry.
What Colours Do You Hear? is video made by local talent Layla Karic in collaboration with artist Greg Sinclair. Layla has created a brand-new musical composition with hand drawn animations exploring synesthesia: when colour becomes attached to another sense, like sound or taste.
Camelon Winter Festival Weekend’s 2020 distanced programme of activities came at a time we all needed community the most. We might not have been able to see as many of our loved ones as usual, but we hope that our touring activities reminded you of how many wonderful and talented people you have living just on the other side of your street, park or canal!
A big thank you to all the member of the members of the community who volunteered their time and energy to make this project possible.